How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where everything feels stagnant? Life is just dull and mundane, and you want something more, even more, even though you have it all? The book You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincro is the #1 New York Times Bestseller self-help book for those who desperately need to improve their lives don't want to get busted in doing so.

This book has been neatly broken down into five main parts.

1. How you got this way- Our brain has two major functioning parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious part of your brain helps take you through all the primary tasks of the day. Your work, daily chores, homework, and so on. The subconscious mind houses all your insecurities, doubts, fears, anxiety, self-image, ego, and so on. It's that side of your brain that keeps you up at night, and you need to address and eliminate these thoughts. After you have destroyed them, you are completely rid of the baggage associated with them, and you can live fully in the moment without any inhibitions. This is a significant step into changing your self-perception into that of a badass.

2. How to embrace your inner badass? - Acceptance is a giant step towards making your life a success. Start by realizing how truly unique and different you are in this world where billions and billions of people reside. Stop being weighed down by what others perceive you to be and see yourself as you indeed are and not through anyone else's eyes. This can be tough since there are a lot of people out there who would like to impose their opinion and thoughts on you. But here's a way to start, don't get bogged down with extreme criticism, but also do not ride high on praises you receive. Try and establish what is proper for yourself; you can do this by evaluating your feelings about your performance on a task. At the end of the day, you should be the only one to decide what is right for you.

3. How to tap into the motherlode- Well, everyone does believe in a higher power; some call it God, some call it Universe, faith, luck, spirituality…. Whatever you may attribute it to, or here as the author refers to it as source energy. Source energy is equivalent to mindfulness, where you become truly aware of your subconscious mind, control your attention and thoughts, and put yourself at ease. You could do this through meditation or just spending some time reflecting on your day and analyzing what you could have done differently that would make you feel like a better human being. The author suggests tapping into your younger self, full of ambitions and dreams, or practicing the habit of gratitude or forgiveness. When you are holding a grudge against someone, you cannot concentrate on yourself as you are filled with resentment for someone else, let go of it and forgive. And lastly, the author suggests giving and receiving as a way to boost positive energy around yourself. Be more generous and caring towards the needs of others, and you will earn yourself a lot of positive energy to push through on those days when you are feeling down and out.

4. How to get over your inhibitions- To indeed be a powerful force, you need to let go of all your inhibitions, all those lame excuses, and problems that cloud and fog your brain. Set yourself free. Realize that nothing can stop you, but you yourself, and that will be the game changer you were looking out for! If you spend your days procrastinating over something you always wanted to do, you're never going to do it. Get up and get going already! You have to grab every opportunity that comes your way, and if none come your way, go and make one for yourself! Procrastination is the most prominent form of self-sabotage. Instead of spending a ton of energy cribbing and finding excuses, control your time and energy and make it work. Finally, get rid of your fears, anything that is keeping you from achieving those dreams. Try and identify what you are terrified of, and work hard to turn it around and make it a success for yourself.

5. How to kick some ass? - This last and final step involves you deciding to go ahead in top gear and reach those goals. Change all your negative habits and stick by the new and improved ones that you have worked so hard on. Also, make a conscious effort to change your relationship with money. Focus on abundance and shape yourself to manifest money into your life. That's not all there is to it; let's not forget what we should do if things don't go as per plan. If you have given it your all and worked tirelessly and things still don't work in your favor or take longer than usual to achieve. It's alright! Give it time…. And things will change. You are bound to be disheartened, but you must not give up. Pick yourself up after the setback and get back in the game because you are a total badass, and nothing can stop you!


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