HealthyByte: Bridge That Gap

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Self Care= Self Love

Stress has become very normal in this fast-paced life that we lead. Stress when coupled with other emotions like anxiety, depression, or apathy can be very difficult to deal with. According to the Mental Health Foundation, “Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure” (Last updated 17 September 2021). Stress is our body’s natural response to pressure caused by life events or situations. It is triggered when we encounter novel or unexpected situations that threaten us, or when we feel out of control of the situation we are in. The body releases cortisol in response to stress which triggers the production of adrenaline and other physiologically active substances. These hormones impact the body’s normal functioning, affecting the heart, salt-water balance, sugar content, and sometimes may even depress the nervous system in extreme cases.

Self-care and self-love are very important to help overcome everyday stress. Self-love can mean different things to different people. For starters it could mean:

  • Being kind to yourself

  • Being true to your feelings

  • Setting healthy boundaries for yourself

  • Prioritizing your wants and desires

  • Forgiving yourself

For others, self-love is another way to care for themselves. This would mean:

  • Listening to signs your body gives

  • Eating and drinking healthy foods

  • Taking breaks from work

  • Indulging in something relaxing like a spa or nice warm bath or that nice cup of camomile tea to calm the nerves

Self-love involves accepting just as you are in the present moment, accepting your emotions, and putting your physical as well as emotional and mental well-being at the forefront. Self-love enables you to lead a more fulfilling life because your inner world would be in charge of your outer world, rather than the other way around. Before you think of expecting love and respect from others, learn to give that to yourself. Some people often equate self-love with selfishness, but that is far from the truth. If you have this perspective, you will find it very difficult to love yourself. Hence you must delete that belief from your mind. It is absolutely fine to put your needs first.

Reasons why self-love is important:

  1. Motivates you to make healthy life choices

  2. Helps you fill the gaps that external love cant

  3. If you do not love yourself, it will severely impact your ability to be successful and have a positive outlook on life

  4. Helps you get rid of toxic relationships in your life

  5. Helps reduce negativity and depressive mindset

Finally, I would like to leave you with some food for thought: “No one is responsible for your happiness but you and the choices you make, and self-love and care can play a major role in that”.