How to boost your self-confidence?


Being under confident is something many people struggle with, but it is not something one cannot overcome. To some, confidence comes naturally and is something you cannot overlook in their personality. To others, this develops and grows over time as they work on their personality. It does take time and requires a lot of perseverance, but the results are most certainly rewarding. Here are some ways to boost your confidence and move up the success ladder.

  1. Stop bothering about what other people think about you- Have you ever said to yourself, “I don’t’ care about what people think about me,” and meant it without a doubt in your mind? It’s alright to wonder what people’s opinion about you might be, but valuing it above your image and belief about yourself would send you into a loop of self-doubt. Modeling yourself into someone you are not just to fit into society will cause your self-confidence to take a bashing.

  2. Negative thinking- This is a huge self-confidence killer. Constantly thinking that you are not worth it by comparing yourself with others can harm your confidence and mental health. Believe in yourself and go the extra mile to achieve what you want without any inhibitions in your mind and any pre-conceived notions. Indulging in pessimism only reinforces to yourself that you are not worth it. Instead, try and focus on your strong points to support a positive mindset.

  3. Thinking less of yourself- Have you ever played it down at work or class just because you feel that you are not up to mark? Every time you communicate to others that you think you are not that great, you diminish your self-worth and value.

  4. The “Blame Game'“- How many times have you found yourself in a situation where nothing is going as per your plan and spiraling out of your control and how did you react towards it? Did you find yourself blaming everyone and everything that was involved in that situation to make you feel better? This destroys your self-esteem and diminishes your self-confidence since deep down you know that you were unable to manage that situation correctly which has led to what things have turned out to be. Instead of blaming circumstances, step up and take ownership and that will help you boost your confidence since you will try harder and with more determination to get out of that situation.

  5. You set a low bar for yourself- When you do not think highly of yourself, you cannot expect others to either. When you tell others that you are not good at something, so as not to have any expectations from you, you are already disqualifying yourself and making others question your ability. You may feel that in doing so others won’t be disappointed if you do not perform well. But when you set the bar so low for yourself, you are also lowering your confidence and sense of worth. So when you show confidence in doing something, it instills that confidence in others about you as well.

  6. Ruminating on your flaws or mistakes- Constantly reminding yourself of your mistakes from the past, is going to give a severe blow to your confidence. Even though thinking does contribute to problem-solving, ruminating only focuses on the problem at hand rather than its solution. Instead, you could evaluate where you went wrong and why. What could you do better next time to change the outcome. Even the most confident people, do face setbacks, but the trick is bouncing back from the setback stronger than before.

  7. Imagine success- Humans thrive in a successful environment. So picture yourself in a situation that will fill you up with immense pride and work towards it. Or try imagining the immense sense of satisfaction or relief that you will feel when you complete that impending task, and the fact that you fought against all those distractions and excuses and did it to the best of your ability. This will power you up with all that positive energy and give your confidence a huge boost.

  8. And finally, move forward in life with the knowledge that you are always going to face failures and setbacks, but learning from those mistakes will make you more confident and better equipped to handle it the next time a speed bump comes your way!


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