Tips to increase your productivity while working from home

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has forced everyone to adapt to the new normal which is 'Working from home'. It has not been that easy to adapt to for both companies and individuals and has taken a lot of effort to come into action. What added to the stress is that working from home in a sense blurred the line between our work life and personal life, often tending to encroach on our personal time. Well definitely it gives you the comfort, freedom, and flexibility to get your work done, but it requires a lot more discipline and focus as well.

So here are my tips that would help you overcome the mental blocks and sluggishness that might set in while working from home and help you get your work done optimally:

  1. Assigning yourself a workstation. Since your home is definitely not ready to be your workplace because it is meant to be your cozy nest, this is something that you would have to go out of your way and create. It does not necessarily have to be a lavish and full-fledged one like your office, but a table and chair setting with some cute stationery, pictures, or plants could definitely give you that vibe. One thing I can tell you for certain, avoid working at your bed or couch at all means because that is never going to get you into that zone to work. Please go ahead and check out some of my recommendations for your home workstation essentials.

  2. Having a morning routine. Working from home would definitely tempt you to wake up just in time for work and log in and get going. You would then be distracted since your hungry, need your morning coffee, or are just not feeling fresh. What you should be doing is stick to the same schedule that you would if you were actually going to work on-site. Wake up at least an hour earlier, freshen up and get that hot cup of coffee going.

  3. Stop working in your PJs. Well if you do decide to follow my previous tip you would definitely not be lounging in your PJs when you start off with your work. While it’s not mandatory to get all dressed up in a blazer and dress shirt and trousers, but just wearing a fresh set of clothes after taking a shower in the morning can shake off the laziness. It also helps you get that work mode on in your brain which is absolutely necessary when you are working in a cozy home setting.

  4. Taking a break and socializing or get some fresh air. Okay so I know that we are supposed to socially distance, but you can definitely interact with your clients, friends, and family virtually. It is essential to interact with people during this time since loneliness might be detrimental to your mental health especially if you are living alone. FOMO is real in these times and do not back away from any form of human interaction! When it comes to getting some fresh air it could be getting out into your house balcony or terrace, have a small niche in your house with plants to give you a calm vibe.

  5. Save time by asking for help when needed. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help if you are unable to tackle a problem or task. It helps you save time and concentrate on other important tasks that need your attention.

  6. This next one I am sure you all know about and I cannot stress on it enough. Create a schedule and plan your tasks ahead of time. I am a 100% sure that just like me you have so many thoughts racing through your head at all times. What helps is to write it out in a journal, online or the old school pen and paper. Then go ahead and make a plan of action, it definitely does help you complete these tasks successfully and in a way that you are satisfied with the result because you did not leave things down to the last minute and do stuff in a haphazard way.

  7. Be more forgiving to yourself if you were not productive on a particular day. The times are tough and everyone is trying to cope as much as they can, so it is absolutely fine if you did not perform at your optimum on a certain day. However, you should take it as a learning opportunity to realize what mistakes you made on that day to help you improve and do better in future. I have to emphasize that your physical and mental health is of prime importance and triumphs over any work, so on your low days forgive yourself and on the successful ones do not forget to reward yourself as well.

  8. Another very useful tool that would help you boost your productivity by almost 30% is Desktime. This tool helps you to identify and eliminate inefficient habits and track the success of your project. I have personally used it while working on several research projects to ensure that I have completed the tasks that I have assigned myself for the day, using the project tracking feature. It gave me an estimate of how much time I take to research and write out a particular section of the paper, and this helped me work on future projects as well since I had an idea of the timelines. Using the Pomodoro timer, I am also able to take regular breaks so as to prevent mental fatigue and burnout which is often associated with long hours of work. The offline time tracking feature helps me manually document the time I am away from my desk and helps me cut down on time wasted so as to function at my optimal during working hours. Desktime is great for individuals as well as companies to help maximize their productivity and output. If you are interested in trying out Desktime or learning more about the cool features they offer please head over to their website using the link provided.

    I hope that this helps you stay on point at work while you enjoy your personal life without feeling overburdened or weighed down and yet content with your performance. Until then, see you next week for some exciting new tips in our next blog!


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