Metaphysics of the Mind, Body and Soul

At every age, human beings try to arrange their thoughts about what is ultimately real? How can one explain what the world consists of? One might think this might be an investigation of the cause of different things, events related to the big-bang, and this investigation is known as Metaphysics. 

Metaphysics is the science of being that exists in so far as it exists. It is a structured way of thinking of the most fundamental explanations of the world that you might encounter in your daily life. So then the question begs, why do things exist? Metaphysics considers Beings and every characteristic that constitutes them, such as the nature of the being, their properties, material constitution, simple changes, contingencies, and their relations among beings from every angle. 

Every human being has a body, and it is the vessel that we use to inhabit our human form. So do we exist because of our material body? Or do we live because we have a living soul? Or do we exist because our parents gave us life? Or do we exist because of our dependence on the larger physical cosmos that surround us in various shapes and forms every second? or do we exist because of god? How does one explain these phenomena? This is what metaphysics is all about. 

To explain these phenomena, you must spot the differences between the different natural substances around us. How is one distinguished from the other? For example, a human is different from a whale. We can distinguish them by their various properties, such as both are mammals, have complex sense organs, are conscious living things, etc. However, humans are very rational where we can think, use language to communicate and make decisions, etc. These kinds of characteristics reveal various things such as what those things are, their essence towards life, and explaining why or how they exist.

Since you can understand what contrasts different beings, how about questioning what unites them or what they all have in common. What is fundamentally familiar in everything you see around you could be a human, a whale, trees, stars, concreate, artifacts, etc.? Everything that exists in the universe has been somehow, shape, or form is unified, true, good, which makes it desirable and beautiful, pleasing, and has a certain kind of harmony around it. 

Metaphysics is used to study the things of this world by an honest and critical assessment. If you were thinking about anything that I just wrote about above, your doing metaphysics  


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