How To Get Mentally Strong?


A lot of focus is drawn towards the physical aspect of health owing to the current pandemic situation. Hand-washing, vaccinations, social distancing, and masking up have become a way of life now. Managing your mental health at this time is equally important, given the fact that we spend so many hours cooped up at home in front of our computers. It is very important to address declining mental health due to the immense work and study pressure that everyone faces. In the initial days of the pandemic and lockdown, it almost felt like we were living in an apocalyptic world, with an air of doom everywhere. While that has eased up a lot now, there is an underlying sense of fear that we could head back in that direction with rumors of a third wave on its way. It is natural to feel scared and apprehensive, but know that you are not alone and we will get over this! 

Here are some great ways to strengthen your mind and keep yourself mentally strong in these challenging times:

  1. Embrace adversity- Your mind is as strong as you make it. Everyone faces hardships and troubles, but you must not see it as a dead-end but merely as a speed bump. Learn from that moment, because trust me, every adversity comes with a precious lesson that will equip you to face your future with even more confidence and zeal. It is not the end of the world…. even if you feel that everything is lost in that moment.

  2. Challenge yourself- If you feel stuck in a mundane cycle of work or study, this would be an excellent time to step out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself with something you would never normally do and excel at it. Do not underestimate yourself ever; you cannot even imagine what you can achieve once you put yourself to it devotedly.

  3. Don’t let your fears discourage you- Well, obviously, exploring new terrains is going to get you scared and apprehensive… it’s natural. But should that be a reason for you to stop? Absolutely not!! To be mentally strong means knowing how to deal with your fears and overcome them. When you face a fearful situation by looking at it as an opportunity to grow, you will emerge victoriously.

  4. Be grateful- Even when you feel nothing is going correctly, there is always something good in store. As the saying goes, “Every dark cloud has a silver lining,” it is that silver lining that we must find and be grateful for. Being optimistic, positive, and grateful are attributes of a strong mind that can look beyond adversity at the good coming their way.

  5. Be mindful- Being mindful means gaining control and being intentional about what you pay attention to in life. It could be an emotion, belief, or thought that you manifest that calls for an open and accepting attitude. To be mentally resilient and robust, take the time to analyze and internalize situations to gain sight of what you truly want.

  6. Replace self-doubt with positivity- Doubting your decisions, capabilities, and destiny is inevitable in tough times. It does not do well to wallow in self-pity and doubt, instead give yourself a pep talk. Brace yourself for what is to come, instead of overanalyzing and mourning what has passed.

  7. Make it an everyday pursuit- Mental strength just like other skills we perfect comes with time. You cannot expect to be mentally strong only in exceptional circumstances when you have not been able to show it in day-to-day situations.


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