HealthyByte: Bridge That Gap

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How to Overcome a Mediocre Mindset?

Have you ever wondered how some people can just be satisfied with having a mundane job with nothing to motivate or challenge them? They are absolutely fine with slaving all day with little to no rest and receive an average salary. These people just CANNOT develop the mindset to think big and achieve great things. Shocking as it may sound but it is a reality. I mean how often have you ever heard one of your friends say that their goal in life is to become a millionaire in their mid-twenties? Or set up a successful business or career map for themselves to become something great? Trust me you do not need to have a business or entrepreneurial background to become a millionaire. It just needs a change in your attitude and mindset. If your biggest vision for yourself is to just find a decent job…. you absolutely cannot expect to be successful later on. No amount of hard work or sleepless nights will help you if you set a low standard for your goals.

The first thing you can do to get over this mindset would be to value yourself and know what you are capable of. Very often, we don’t think we deserve that higher position because we don’t have the capabilities or knowledge. We don’t think we can take that extra step and start off that YouTube channel because we are not ready, underconfident, or uninspired. Here’s the thing, no one is ever going to be able to bet higher on you unless you do not make the first move and bet on yourself. You cannot expect your boss to give you that challenge that could set you up for a pay raise if you are not ready to take a step and tell him/her that you want to take it on. Think about it, if you are trying to set up your own business and looking for a person to invest in your business, why would anyone want to, if you do not make them believe that you can make a million-dollar profit sooner or later. However, being confident does not mean that you become arrogant. It is very important to be humble and grounded while yet believing that you can be the best. It is that conviction that you show in yourself, that will drive others to believe you and contribute towards you becoming a successful person.

Another thing that is in the way of you and your successful life, is EXCUSES! If you find yourself prey to your own excuses…. you must stop it right away. There is absolutely no point in making yourself and others believe that you have not been able to become successful because of some random excuses you keep making up to put things off. Everyone is facing their own battles and is not up to anyone to judge them, but if you really want to chase those dreams and achieve them, you must learn to think big and never let anything come in the way of that. In the book “Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz, he says that Excusitis is one of the major reasons why people are not making more money, accomplishing more, or doing better things in life. This is one of the most hard-hitting points in this book. There are so many people who blame their children for their lack of success, their age, or circumstances, which is such a wrong attitude. Every successful person in the world has faced problems and fallen short, but the fact is that they have risen above all of that and proved their mettle.

Lastly, turn your loss/defeat into victory. Simply change your mentality to believe that everything you do, will always end up in you winning or learning something. The moment you stop learning, you automatically turn into a failure. Take every failure that you have ever experienced through life, and analyze it to know what could you have changed that would have not made you end up in that situation. You will definitely gain a new perspective on life and also ensure that you never face that situation ever again.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book “Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz and would highly recommend it to overcome your mediocre mindset.