Why you need a Raspberry Pi Now!


The Raspberry Pi is not a kids toy. Let's just say it a portable computer in your pocket. Being the size of a credit card it will let you do almost anything that a normal desktop pc can do without spending a lot of money and over the years has cultivated a huge developer base.

In 2019, the Raspberry Pi 4 was released with specs including either 1GB, 2GB or 4GB of memory, a quad-core A72 SoC, a USB Type- C power supply and dual micro HDMI outputs. But what makes the Pi so impressive including all these specs is the 40 pin general purpose input/output which allows you to connect the Pi to everything from weather stations to robots. This functionality was originally built into the Pi to teach computer science and programming to students. You can use the Pi for a variety of projects ranging from digital signage, robotics, retro gaming consoles, pi-hole which provides ad-blocking for your entire network but above all it's a great learning tool for Linux for prototyping new ideas or just developing and creating something spectacular.

With this device you are only limited to your imagination. One way to use the Pi would be to turn it into a hacking station. The reasons to use a Raspberry Pi as a hacking machine are endless. It provides a great way to run Kali Linux (Debian based operating system) without the need of a virtual machine.

One exciting project you could work on would be network monitoring or Wifi hacking. The Raspberry Pi 4 has a built-in WiFi network adapter configured with monitor mode. This means it's possible to conduct various activities such as grabbing WPA handshakes, listening and monitor WiFi traffic and execute WiFi-based attacks using tools such as Fern and Airmon-Ng. It also features a LAN controller as well as good WiFi speeds which make it ideal for networking applications like running a static web server, NAS (Network Attached Storage), and proxy server.

Learning on the Raspberry Pi means you're not just tied to the Kali Linux OS. Many developers use the Pi for scientific and industrial applications. The Raspberry Pi has been a foundation for various POC's (Proof of Concepts). It can be used to do powerful things such as remotely hack into the climate control system of a data center as featured in the very popular show Mr.Robot.

If you're a beginner an effective way to use a Pi is to literally use it as a desktop. You can buy a simple keyboard, mouse and a monitor to start and build your skills, learn programming languages such as Python, etc. It also runs Raspbian, the official OS of the Raspberry Pi. The Debian-based OS can be used to learn basic Linux and hacking tools. That being said, it's not a supercomputer so it is important to set your expectations fun-sized.

The sky is the limit when it comes to working with the Raspberry Pi. It is an excellent learning tool and if you want to expand you're learning there are a number of project ideas on the internet you could take a look at. So what are you waiting for, go get your Raspberry Pi today!

References :

Teach, Learn, and Make with Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi


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