Can the metaVerse be cyberattacked?

The Metaverse currently is in its early stages but is scaling and growing at a very rapid rate. It's a combination of augmented reality and virtual reality and is predicted to be the next big one after the rise of the Internet. It's a digital virtual space, just like an online simulator where you can create your digital avatars and interact with others. As the interactivity within the virtual world increases, people are accountable for their actions within the virtual space, and hence security would play a significant part.

What would the Metaverse focus on in terms of security?

  1. It would need privacy to protect user data.

  2. Proper Authentication would be crucial.

  3. Well-defined Access Policies.

  4. Strong Encryption Standards.

  5. DNS security and Web-app attack protection.

The Metaverse is a virtual space where data such as content, services, and products are supplied, and transactions in this space affect capital in the real world. If a cyberattack infiltrates the digital world, it causes damage to the real world. 

Complex services generate new types of data within the MetaVerse, such as Biometric information (user's hand and body gestures), location information, etc... As this data is generated in real-time, it can be challenging to exercise control over it. Such services are still susceptible to being breached.

An example of a metaverse project on the rise is THE SANDBOX

This project is a virtual metaverse world that allows users to create and play games within a game. Players in the ecosystem can build and design their avatars to access various environments, games, and hubs within it. A digital currency associated with this project, abbreviated as "SAND" is linked to the Ethereum blockchain, and has quadrupled in price in the past two weeks running up to the launch. The digital goods created can then be monetized through NFTs and sold on the Sandbox Marketplace for SAND tokens.

In the future, it would not be easy to point out how one would protect and mitigate against different types of cyberattacks as the concept of the Metaverse application is still in its infancy stage. But rest assured, with the further development of Metaverse, cybersecurity will play a massive part in the rising security concerns. 


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