Want to get into Cybersecurity?


Cybersecurity is growing massively and globally. With all this demand, what's the best way to get in? The important thing to note here is that cybersecurity consists of multiple domains within itself. So if you’re ever thinking of where to start from, the answer is it does not matter. Pick one and start expanding you’re scope of learning.

The traditional question here would be do you need a degree to enter the field. The answer to that would be No! Some of the best security experts are from different technical and nontechnical backgrounds. The key is not your technical background or knowledge but your willingness and desire to learn different technologies, tools & tactics and never stop playing with them.

Cybersecurity is a field which at its core is fueled by creativity, persistence & curiosity. It focuses on real world problems to solve. Passion and dedication to understand how the technology is built and how it works will go a long way. Many people think that cybersecurity is all about hacking and breaking into things, well that being one part of it, there are multiple pieces that go in solving this puzzle. Cybersecurity is really learning how technology works and in particular who handles this technology. The best part about this is you can learn this from the comfort of your home.

Let's talk about picking your niche. Cybersecurity can be divided into a few different categories which require different skills to begin with. Not everything is the same, as technology changes, so does the security needed to protect and maintain that technology.

  1. Network security : At its core, it is a set of rules and configurations designed to protect the CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability). It's often the first line of defense for a company and you would need to understand know different networking protocols.

  2. Application Security : This is a broad topic that covers software vulnerabilities in web & mobile applications and API's (Application Programming interfaces)

  3. Cloud Security : It ensures the safe use of web applications and secure transmission of user data while hosting in cloud environments or third-party cloud applications.

  4. Endpoint Security : Ensuring that the servers communicate securely with endpoints which include personal or corporate devices.

  5. Incidence Response : Incidence response monitors and investigates potential malicious behavior, responds to it and recovers from security incidents.

  6. Vulnerability Management : It is a process of scanning your environment for potential vulnerabilities and prioritizing remedies and mitigation tactics based on risks.

  7. Cryptography : A process that provides secure communication by converting plaintext into cipher (unintelligible) text and vice versa. Cryptography is one of the most important aspects of security.

This might look quite overwhelming at first and the important thing is to pick one niche which interests you and makes you most curious and then blend your way into the others as they are interlinked in one way or the other. Take your time to understand it, play with it as much as you can.

Bottom line is cybersecurity in many ways is similar to engineering and healthcare. If you are a curious and passionate person don't let anything hold you down and limit your options. One thing to remember here would be to never disqualify yourself from learning and experimenting. The only thing stopping you from starting your journey would be you.

Cybersecurity is one of the most fascinating and rewarding field or career path. It also has one of the most interactive and helpful community around. Never lose the desire to learn. Once you start to develop your skills and begin networking with people, opportunities will come your way.


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