Basics of working with Git

Git is an open-source version control system that can be used efficiently to manage projects. Version control maintains a track of projects over time and keeps a complete history of the changes on a project similar to a file manager. It also allows developers to collaborate on the same project. GitHub is a site that hosts Git repositories. 

GitHub Terminologies 

  1. Fork: Fork is a replication of another user's repo that lives on one's personal Github account.

  2. Main: A default development branch when a new repository is created.

  3. Readme: A basic plain text file that contains information about other files in a repository that serves as documentation.

  4. Repository: A Repository is where work is stored in a directory or storage space. A shorter form is known as "repo."

  5. License: It allows the repo to be genuinely open-source. Once licensed, others can use, modify, and distribute it.

  6. Pull request: This allows one to announce a change made by someone in the branch. Pull requests are ways for developers to let the team know when they've finished working on a feature.

Git Commands

  1. git init: The git init command initializes (creates) a new Git repository. A .git subdirectory is created in the current working directory containing all metadata.

  2. git clone: git clone creates a copy of a specific repository or branch within a repository.

  3. git branch <branch-name>: This git command creates a new branch for a specific repository.

  4. git checkout <branch-name>: This command lets you navigate between the branches created by the git branch.

  5. git add: The git add command directs Git to "save" a snapshot of the current project state into the commit history. It tracks the file and its changes in Git.

  6. git commit: The git commit command takes a snapshot of the current state of the project's changes.

  7. git push: The git push is used to upload git commits to a remote repository like Github

There are three states in git

  • Modified — When some file is modified in the repo.

  • Staged — When modifications are done, and files are staged.

  • Committed — When staged files are finalized and committed

Basic git Setup

//create a new folder

mkdir testing

//Navigate to the new folder

cd testing

//Create a new file within the testing directory


//Check untracked changes in the file.

git status

//To add file

git add

//To commit your changes

git commit -m "<add a comment for your commit >"

//Add your remote origin link, use it to link a repo within GitHub, or create a new repo

git remote add origin main<directory>

//Push your code to GitHub

git push -u origin

Whenever you get a chance, do play around with Git. It avoids the possibilities of overwriting content on a file, thinks about data, stores snapshots, and maintains the integrity of files. It is a crucial part of a development lifecycle and essential for collaboration.


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